Saturday, 30 December 2017


The reason many people can’t seem to find peace is because they’ve mistaken the cross they should carry as a problem they should solve.
Some of our worries are problems which require solutions, while some are crosses which we must carry and follow our maker. But right now, many of us are still running around looking for solutions to perceived problems when actually, all we require is wisdom and strength to carry the cross.
As we round up and enter a new year, I want to encourage everyone to start making efforts at identifying what issues of his/her life require seeking solutions and which ones require handling with courage in 2018. Even when the problems are well identified, we shouldn’t complicate things and seek solutions in the wrong places.
We have equal rights to God, so let no “spiritualist” feed on your gullibility. Some of them give you visions and prophesies, you dedicate your resources to the recommended solutions, then they blame you for lack of faith when their ideas don’t come to pass, and then you start cursing your luck, especially when you see others receiving miracles and victories for similar challenges!
Perhaps, for that man/woman who got his miracle, it was a problem, while for you it is a cross. Perhaps it is even also a problem for you, but the appointed time for solution had not come or your own solution is not “spirituality” but common sense strategies. Think deep for the New Year, identify your solutions, find yourself some peace of mind and let new ideas be birthed in you.
Accepting to carry your cross is not the same as accepting defeat; neither should we give up without a fight. However, God has not promised us life without troubles and we should remember his thoughts for us are of peace and not of evil to give us an ‘expected’ end (Jeremiah 29: 11).
Many of us pray for “light at the end of the tunnel”, just like in the case of Joseph, Job, Sarah, Hannah in the bible. We covet fulfillment of great promises like in Abraham, David, Solomon, etc. But we hardly feel sorry for Judas Iscariot for having such a destiny of betraying our savior Jesus Christ. We should sometimes wonder too why Moses never saw the Promised Land? “His enemies prevailed on him”?
If Judas had the chance to change his destiny, I’m sure he would choose to be remembered as a saint. He dined with Jesus, had access to salvation, but Jesus Christ did not save him from such a shameful ending. Did you say it was written? Yes it was, just as some of our challenges in life were written too and we must seek the courage to handle them.
It is either we manage our challenges or we let them define our existence and how we end our lives. Bad times don’t last forever, even if they do, there will always be some few times when every human will find mercy in midst of storms. Let those periodic victories ignite sincere gratitude and praise to the almighty. Find yourself some peace in the word of God in John 16: 33 “…In the world ye shall have tribulations; but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world”.
Have a fruitful 2018. Amani juu yenu!
@Tywo Akintoye